Conference Room Projectors vs Boardroom Projectors

May 31, 2022

Conference Room Projectors vs Boardroom Projectors

The choice between using a conference room projector and boardroom projector can be as tricky as it is interesting. Whether you are a new startup or a large corporation, choosing the right projection technology for your business can impact your bottom line in positive ways. In this post, we’ll dive into the world of conference room projectors and boardroom projectors, shedding light on what separates the two and how you can make an informed choice for your professional needs.

The Difference Between Conference Room Projectors and Boardroom Projectors

On their surface, conference room projectors and boardroom projectors might seem interchangeable. However, these two types differ in a few ways.


When it comes to brightness projection, the main difference between conference room projectors and boardroom projectors is the number of lumens. A boardroom projector typically needs to project onto a much larger screen and be bright enough for use even in a well-lit environment. Therefore, it needs to be more powerful and generally requires at least 4500 lumens or more. On the other hand, a conference room projector can work with a smaller screen and doesn't need to be as bright, and usually ranges between 3000 and 4500 lumens.


Resolution is another factor where conference room projectors and boardroom projectors differ. Boardroom projectors must have a high resolution to be able to project clear images and videos onto a large screen. In contrast, conference room projectors may not require as high a resolution since they would only be projected onto a smaller screen. Standard resolution for a boardroom projector is 1080p, while for a conference room, it may be 720p or higher.


Conference room projectors are generally more affordable since they have lower brightness and a smaller screen size. Boardroom projectors, meanwhile, tend to be on the pricier side due to their higher brightness and better resolution capabilities.

Making the Choice

When it comes down to making a choice between these two types of projectors, you should consider your particular business needs. If you need a large screen for your presentations and your boardroom is usually well-lit, a boardroom projector is the best choice. For smaller meetings, a conference room projector may be a better fit.

While there might be other factors to consider, such as portability, installation, and maintenance, it's essential to choose a projector that falls into your budget range.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, it all comes down to understanding the requirements and needs of your office or workspace. The choice between the two types of projectors can be influenced by several factors, including brightness, resolution, and cost.

Now that you understand the difference between conference room projectors and boardroom projectors, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your business needs.


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